After days of preparation, everything was ready. The food was prepped, the tents were up, the grill was lit. Looks like a party, doesn't it? Well, when we farmers do continuing ed, it has to include food.
This is actually a pasture walk/grazing seminar. These are held regularly in our area, and give farmers who are currently (or just thinking about) raising livestock on pasture a chance to see someone else's set-up.
The presenters arrived at 4:00 for a farm tour and dress rehearsal. Supper was at 5:00. We made sure to tell folks after they'd enjoyed their grilled brat that they'd just eaten lamb. Is that wicked?
Then it was time for the show. Several folks spoke on different aspects of grazing and managing livestock on forage. I had to leave for an evening meeting, so missed all the good stuff (except for the lamb brats, of course).
Representatives from Bio-Systems, NRCS, the local Conservation District, MSU, MSUE and MAEAP were there, with take-home goodies available. Then it was time to walk the pastures. A hayride was provided for those who didn't want to walk.
I came home from my meeting to already-washed dishes and helped take down the tents and load the bales back on the wagon. The Farmer was very satisfied with the crowd, the discussions and the event in general. A big thanks is due to those who sponsored the event, those who helped with food and set-up, and those who presented. That's the only credit given at this continuing ed class...
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