I'd like to recommend a book that makes basic economics understandable. It's written in simple enough terms that children and their middle-aged parents both gain knowledge about the basics of our free enterprise system. Many homeschooling families use it, and it's part of Sonlight's curriculum (which is how I stumbled across it). Whatever Happened to Penny Candy , by Richard Maybury, is written as a series of letters from an economist to his nephew, Chris. History, definitions, quotes and statistics are sprinkled liberally throughout, and hold the interest of the reader well. I close with this quote which seems appropriate in these times: "The public money of this country is the toil and labor of the people, who are under many uncommon difficulties and distresses at this time, so that all reasonable frugality ought to be observed." --John Adams, 1735-1826 American Revolutionary and 2nd President of the United States
A look at life on a small family farm