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Showing posts from August, 2009

Well, Well, Well...

I'll be the first to admit that I love well water. No added chlorine, no heavy metals, no monthly bill... But recently our well pump gave out. We figured this out when the water stopped flowing during showers. Not a good thing to have no water on the farm. The animals get thirsty. We get stinky. We hired a well repair guy to put a new pump in for us. He needed to pull all the well pipe up first, remove the old pump at the bottom of the well (more than 100 feet down), put the new one on, and put it all back like it was. He advised us that the well was looking kind of slimy down there at the bottom. He didn't have time right then (and neither did we, as it was 6:00 a.m. on the day we were leaving for a much-needed vacation), but he advised us to have our well blown out. forward 3 or 4 weeks (during which we drank water toted from my parents' house) and we're ready to blow the well out. Again, he pulled up all the pipes, one by one... And then prepared to blast...

Where'd She Go?

I've slowed down on the blogging a bit over the last couple of weeks. Did anyone notice? I've been planning out our homeschool year (or at least the first half of it), busy working my part-time job, and tending to sick family members. I'll be back. In the meantime, here are a few blogs I enjoy reading: Maple Corners -- a fiber artist caring for her mom, who has alzheimer's, on the family farm... Advocates for Agriculture -- a news blog featuring articles about American agriculture (with commentary)... Crazy as a Loom -- the day by day musings of a retired nurse now weaving her dream full time. Music warning--just mute it if you don't like it... Michigan in Pictures -- fabulous photographs of my adopted home state... Just Something I Made -- a graphic designer who's almost too crafty for her own good! Lots of goodies there... Granny Miller -- great homesteading, homemaking advice and tutorials. This is no longer an active blog, but there are some gems if yo...

Friday Fun Farm Facts

From Michigan Ag Census Data released in early 2009: Farm employment totaled 86,000, with a total payroll of $607 million. Nearly 80% of Michigan farms are less than 180 acres; 3.5% are greater than 1,000 acres, and 1% are greater than 2,000 acres. (Hint: we fall in the 80%) There are approximately 3,000 additional farms, primarily small operations, compared to 2002. The top commodity sectors in Michigan are grains, oilseeds, and dry beans; milk and dairy products; and nursery, floriculture and greenhouse. Agri-tourism approached $23 million on 645 farms.

And We Have A Winner!

The Farmer recently spun a 3-ply from our Polypay roving. Last weekend, he entered it in the skein competition at the Michigan Fiber Festival. He won not just one, but two (!) ribbons for his entry. Wow... In other Fiber Festival news, I enjoyed talking with friends and meeting new people (some of them "imaginary" friends from the internet). I oohed and aahed over a lot of luscious fiber, and bought a few things to take home with me. Fiber festival is always a great time! Though next year they could order some cooler weather. It was downright drippy this past weekend...

Michigan Fiber Festival

This weekend is the Michigan Fiber Festival in Allegan. While we are not vending, we plan to go and enjoy the weekend as usual. If you're going, too, make sure you stop and introduce yourself to us. Look for The Farmer, who will likely be spending some quality time cranking socks. He usually wears his fire department t-shirt when he's out and about, though he has been known to choose his American Lamb t-shirt for sheepy occasions such as this...

A Taste of the Sun

This year, in our transition from conventional to organic farming, we've planted crops that are new to us. The spelt has been harvested. But the field of sunflowers is still growing, still maturing. It's just past it's prime, as far as beauty goes. I kept thinking to myself that we need to get out and photograph the beauty, but never did anything about it. I finally sent our daughter out with the camera. She has a natural talent for all things artistic. Aren't they lovely?

Three Word Thursday

Sometimes bloggers get stuck on what to write about. Occasionally, I'll see an interesting idea over at another blog and want to try it out. This is the case with "Three Word Thursday". The point is to post a photo and try to describe it in three words. Here goes... LOL! Okay. I can't do it in just 3 words. Too many things a-swirlin' around. Here are my top three choices: 1) Lovely Summer Evening 2) Fair 4H Friends and 3) One man working What do you see here? Post it below, in the comment section. If you're a blogger and have a "Three Word Thursday" post, I'd love to check it out!

Wordless Wednesday

Fair Wrap-Up: Market Auction

I'm late in posting a wrap-up because, quite frankly, fair week did me in. Too old for all this busyness... The final "big thing" we are involved with at the fair is the market animal auction. The animals that the kids have been looking after for several months are auctioned off to the highest bidder. They go for slaughter. For meat. The kids have come to understand this basic life principle: For one to live, another must die. Now I understand that there are folks who don't eat meat. And I'm okay with that. But we choose to eat meat, and because we do, I'd like the kids to understand the whole process. (And, incidentally, I didn't invent the whole "for one to live, another must die" principle. You'll see it worked out over and over in nature. I believe it's a principle that is set in place to point us to the truth about Christ's death on our behalf. But that's fodder for another day.) In fact, I'd love it if more people unders...